Micha Rautenberg
- Contact:
- email: rautenberg_AT_mrautenberg.de
- orcid:
- Research projects:
- OpenRiskNet
- eNanoMapper
- ToxBank
- OpenTox
- Publications:
- Helma C., Rautenberg M., Gebele D.: Nano-Lazar: Read across Predictions for Nanoparticle Toxicities with Calculated and Measured Properties
Frontiers in Pharmacology 8(377), June 2017
- Maunz A., Gütlein M., Rautenberg M., Vorgrimmler D., Gebele D., Helma C.: Lazar: A Modular Predictive Toxicology Framework. Frontiers in Pharmacology 4(38), April 2013.
- P. Kohonen, E. Benfenati, D. Bower, R. Ceder, M. Crump, K. Cross, R. C Grafström, L. Healy, C. Helma, N. Jeliazkova, V. Jeliazkov, S. Maggioni, S. Miller, G. Myatt, M. Rautenberg, G. Stacey, E. Willighagen, J. Wiseman, B. Hardy:
TheToxBank Data Warehouse: Supporting the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing. Molecular Informatics, Special Issue: Advances in Computational Toxicology, Volume 32, Issue 1, pages 47–63, January 2013
- Tcheremenskaia O., Benigni R., Nikolova I., Jeliazkova N., Escher S. E., Batke M., Baier T., Poroikov V., Lagunin A., Rautenberg M. and Hardy B.:
OpenTox Predictive Toxicology Framework: toxicological ontology and semantic media wiki-based OpenToxipedia. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, Volume 3, Suppl 1, April 2012
- Hardy, N. Douglas, C. Helma, M. Rautenberg, N. Jeliazkova, V. Jeliazkov, I. Nikolova, R. Benigni, O. Tcheremenskaia, S. Kramer, T. Girschick, F. Buchwald, J. Wicker, A. Karwath, M. Guetlein, A. Maunz, H. Sarimveis, G. Melagraki, A. Afantitis, P. Sopasakis, D. Gallagher, V. Poroikov, D. Filimonov, A. Zakharov, A. Lagunin, T. Gloriozova, S. Novikov, N. Skvortsova,D. Druzhilovsky, S. Chawla, I. Ghosh, S. Ray, H. Patel and S. Escher:
Collaborative development of predictive toxicology applications. Journal of Cheminformatics, Volume 2, Number 1, August 2010