Micha Rautenberg

email: rautenberg_AT_mrautenberg.de
orcid:  http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6666-7666
Research projects:
Helma C., Rautenberg M., Gebele D.: Nano-Lazar: Read across Predictions for Nanoparticle Toxicities with Calculated and Measured Properties Frontiers in Pharmacology 8(377), June 2017
Maunz A., Gütlein M., Rautenberg M., Vorgrimmler D., Gebele D., Helma C.: Lazar: A Modular Predictive Toxicology Framework. Frontiers in Pharmacology 4(38), April 2013.
P. Kohonen, E. Benfenati, D. Bower, R. Ceder, M. Crump, K. Cross, R. C Grafström, L. Healy, C. Helma, N. Jeliazkova, V. Jeliazkov, S. Maggioni, S. Miller, G. Myatt, M. Rautenberg, G. Stacey, E. Willighagen, J. Wiseman, B. Hardy:
TheToxBank Data Warehouse: Supporting the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing. Molecular Informatics, Special Issue: Advances in Computational Toxicology, Volume 32, Issue 1, pages 47–63, January 2013
Tcheremenskaia O., Benigni R., Nikolova I., Jeliazkova N., Escher S. E., Batke M., Baier T., Poroikov V., Lagunin A., Rautenberg M. and Hardy B.:
OpenTox Predictive Toxicology Framework: toxicological ontology and semantic media wiki-based OpenToxipedia. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, Volume 3, Suppl 1, April 2012
Hardy, N. Douglas, C. Helma, M. Rautenberg, N. Jeliazkova, V. Jeliazkov, I. Nikolova, R. Benigni, O. Tcheremenskaia, S. Kramer, T. Girschick, F. Buchwald, J. Wicker, A. Karwath, M. Guetlein, A. Maunz, H. Sarimveis, G. Melagraki, A. Afantitis, P. Sopasakis, D. Gallagher, V. Poroikov, D. Filimonov, A. Zakharov, A. Lagunin, T. Gloriozova, S. Novikov, N. Skvortsova,D. Druzhilovsky, S. Chawla, I. Ghosh, S. Ray, H. Patel and S. Escher:
Collaborative development of predictive toxicology applications. Journal of Cheminformatics, Volume 2, Number 1, August 2010